by Rohan | Jul 22, 2017 | Anxiety, Breathing, Chill, Depression, Home Page Display, Meditation, Ritual, Sleep, Stress
Straw breathing can dramatically reduce anxiety and panic, and increase feelings of calm and relaxation. It’s quite simple and only requires a straw, and 5 minutes. Sit comfortably with your back straight to allow your lungs to expand fully and without...
by Rohan | Feb 27, 2017 | Anxiety, Biochemistry, Cancer, Depression, Estrogen, Home Page Display, Natural, Ritual, Sleep, Stress, Thyroid
The Melatonin/ Light Connection Like most animals, our bodies are triggered to sleep via the setting of the sun, and we wake when it pops back up again the following day. But we are far removed from our caveman days. If we need light in the evenings, we don’t scour...
by Rohan | Feb 27, 2017 | Anxiety, Caffeine, Depression, Natural, Ritual, Sleep, Stress
Sleep Hygiene Tips & Techniques to help you to GET to Sleep and STAY Asleep Avoid eating dinner after 8pm. Eating causes a release of cortisol, which can stimulate you. Calming teas can be drunk an hour before bedtime. These include Night time tea, Chamomile,...
by Rohan | Jan 30, 2017 | Anxiety, Caffeine, Depression, Fiber, Glutathione, Home Page Display, Natural, Nutrition, Ritual, Sleep, Stress
I get to know all of the intimate details of my patients, so thought it would be an insightful task to jot mine down for you. No, I won’t be telling you about the intricacies of my bowel movements, but instead I hope to paint a picture about what my day entails, what...
by Rohan | Oct 3, 2016 | Cleaning, Detox, Home Page Display, Natural, Ritual, Uncategorized
Dry Skin Brushing The skin is the largest and most important elimination organ in the body and is responsible for 1/4 of the body’s detoxification each day. Dry skin brushing can bring great benefits. Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, liver and...