by Rohan Smith | Feb 17, 2020 | Biochemistry, Detox, Environmental Toxins, Estrogen, Home Page Display, Nutrition, Supplement
Modern life is bustling with innovative technologies for a convenient living; online access to news and information, timesaving transport, fast foods, cleaning products that make your home sparkle, and cosmetics that leave us feeling ‘our best selves’. This improved...
by Rohan Smith | Dec 29, 2019 | Biochemistry, Detox, Environmental Toxins, Home Page Display, Nutrition
Functional Medicine can treat Chronic Illness Functional Medicine. When illness becomes chronic, it starts to affect multiple body systems. Chronic pain and ill health affects the body, but also the mind. The distress and worry that it causes creates even more stress...
by Rohan Smith | Aug 28, 2018 | Biochemistry, Detox, Enema, Environmental Toxins, Glutathione, Home Page Display, Iodine, Thyroid
Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that have a density at least 5 times greater than that of water.[1] The 5 main heavy metals that pose the most significant risk to our health are arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium. This is due to their high...
by Rohan Smith | Jun 7, 2018 | Anxiety, Biochemistry, Breathing, Depression, Home Page Display, Meditation, Natural, Neurofeedback, Stress
Did you know your thoughts affect how much fat you burn while you’re at work?… or how much muscle gain you get from your gym workouts?… or how your blood sugar is regulated after a meal? Did you know your thoughts can change your brain, your cells and your...
by Rohan | Oct 17, 2017 | Anxiety, Biochemistry, Depression, Environmental Toxins, Home Page Display, Stress, Testing
Copper, Anxiety & Adrenal fatigue Copper, anxiety & adrenal fatigue are a nasty little threesome that can greatly affect day-to-day life. Clinically, I see copper to be a large contributor to anxiety, because it converts dopamine to adrenaline. This will...
by Rohan | Feb 27, 2017 | Anxiety, Biochemistry, Cancer, Depression, Estrogen, Home Page Display, Natural, Ritual, Sleep, Stress, Thyroid
The Melatonin/ Light Connection Like most animals, our bodies are triggered to sleep via the setting of the sun, and we wake when it pops back up again the following day. But we are far removed from our caveman days. If we need light in the evenings, we don’t scour...